Image courtesy: La Boîte en Valise, online exhibition, Office Baroque. Photograph by Pieter Huybrechts.
The annual programme The Box brings together the previous experiences of Show&TelI and combines them in a hybrid format of masterclass and mentoring. The result is a course held by Benedetta Casagrande and Elena Vaninetti, designed to support artists in the formal development and finalisation of an ongoing project, providing support, guidance and practical tools. 12 months of group meetings, face-to-face lectures, one-to-one reviews and studio-visits with international artists in a mixed online and in-presence teaching format.
Maintaining a collaborative approach at all times and creating a safe space for peer-review based on exchange and not competition, participants will be supported not only in the development and finalisation of their project; at the end of the course they will have gained greater awareness of their practice, will be able to present their work effectively, and will have a brilliant custom-designed portfolio box to hold onto.

The aim of the course is the development, both material and theoretical, of a body of work ready to be presented to an audience. Participants will be assisted in the development of creative solutions for their project in the format of a horizontal, transportable display, which will be presented as an expanded portfolio box. The format of the portfolio box will give participants ample opportunity to finalise their work and reflect on the many material forms photography can take. The box may include fine art prints, objects, zines/dummies and more.
The aim of the course is the development, both material and theoretical, of a body of work ready to be presented to an audience. Participants will be assisted in the development of creative solutions for their project in the format of a horizontal, transportable display, which will be presented as an expanded portfolio box. The format of the portfolio box will give participants ample opportunity to finalise their work and reflect on the many material forms photography can take. The box may include fine art prints, objects, zines/dummies and more.
The final output of the course will be two days in which participants will present their portfolio boxes on a tabletop display to experts from international art contexts (curators, publishers, gallery owners, photo editors etc.).
N.B. The course will be held in Italian, therefore it is required for applicants to have basic knowledge of the language.
Project development and peer review:
monthly online group meetings
two meetings in Milan (dates will be decided with the participants)
3 online theory modules and handouts:
project development
Studio-visits with international artists:
Mashid Mohadjerin (Iran / Belgio)
Nicolas Polli (Svizzera)
Roisin White (Ireland)
Adji Dieye (Italy)
Libera Mazzoleni (Italy)
Two 1-2-1 mentoring sessions with Benedetta Casagrande and Elena Vaninetti
Final event in Milan to display and present the work to gallery owners, publishers, curators and industry experts. The experts will be identified according to the works produced and the needs of the participants.
Send your application (in a zip folder or pdf file) by e-mail, with the subject 'The Box', to showandtell.milano@gmail.com by December 23rd
Project title
Short text explaining the project (max. 500 words)
Selection of 10 images
Interested in the course but have doubts?
Write to us at showandtell.milano@gmail.com we can arrange a call to answer all your questions.
Duration: 12 months, January - December 2023
The class will consist of a maximum of 12 people
Early Bird (until November 20th):
1000€ (registration fee 200€ + two instalments 400€)
1200€ (registration fee 300€ + two instalments 450€)
the cost includes the Ardesia Projects membership card
NB: non-refundable registration fee